A practically perfect portable power pack:iWALK T08C 8000

This power bank is sleek, it's black, and it looks like a mechanized scorpion that was designed deep within the bowels of a research facility at some far-eastern military complex from the not-too-distant future using advanced technology acquired from an ancient alien vessel which carried transforming robotic beings that crash-landed on Earth 4 million years ago. For me, the most important aspect of the iWALK T08C Power Bank (and I cannot stress this enough) is that you do not need to carry any additional cables with you. It already has all of the cables, and they don't come off. I hate, hate, hate the fact that almost every other portable battery solution, with a few notable exceptions, require you to carry one or more cables with you to charge your devices. Sure, the integrated cables are only like 5 inches long (that's 12.7 cm) but it's much better than having no cables at all. I have had other similar devices from other companies (even some with the fantastic in...